Friday, September 26, 2008

Please Donate Used Computer Stuff!

We offer FREE internet wi-fi workstations and they need a lot of maintenance.  So, we ask you to help pitch in with your old, unwanted, new or used computer parts.  We always have a need for the following items:

  • Laser USB Mouse

  • Wi-Fi Cards

  • Newer Monitors (Preferably Flat Screen for the Space issue)

  • Old Desktop CPU Units

  • We would like a mouse drawing pen, like the artists use, to offer here

  • Call us and ask us!?!

We are doing what we can by offering the space, the time to coordinate and repair/maintain these machines, and the electricity.  Please help us help them!  We find that our computer stations are full nearly all of the time!  Maybe we could put another station in somewhere, with your help.

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